World Flour Day 2024 I An Aid Project in Kenya
Success is nice, but with it must come responsibility. Our colleagues who work for us locally in the many countries where we have a presence have close ties to their regions and especially to the people there. As a family business, we have a social responsibility to the communities in which we operate, and we want to live up to it.

On the occasion of our special anniversary last year, we decided to find aid projects that we can support sustainably. Stefanie Schoop from our Business Development explained, “We chose three aid projects, which were all personally selected by our colleagues locally and will be supported by them in future. This way we can be sure that 100 percent of our aid goes exactly where it is needed, and our colleagues can visit the projects regularly and provide help and advice in addition to financial support.” It was David Nolte, and Khalif Steinbrich who brought to our attention a heartwarming project in Kenya.

In front of the entrance a sign reads: “Mission: To make a positive difference in the lives of children through providing quality education, to become confident, responsible and self-reliant.”

We are at Rachel W. Gichia’s orphanage, which is about an hour’s drive from the capital, Nairobi. Growing up in a slum herself, Rachel saw the misery of children orphaned at a young age and wanted to help. There are now 157 children living at her orphanage. The institution is very proud of the good education its charges receive. We were truly happy to help finance the construction of a new library in the orphanage’s own school, and will continue to support the orphanage in future.

“It is a wonderful project and it makes such a difference to provide help where we are able to see directly the impact we can make,” explains David Nolte. Khalif Steinbrich, our Area Sales Manager for the region joined David at the site, adding, “Meeting with the teachers, seeing the joy on the children’s faces, and being surrounded by so much hope is an incredible feeling. We are grateful to have the opportunity to offer our support.”

On World Flour Day 2024, the Flour World Museum is asking the global flour community to stand together and support aid projects.